Page 15 - Nouvelles 46 - Automne 2021 - EN - web hd
P. 15

NOUVELLES                                                                                                        BURGUNDY
    FALL 2021

                          A tasting bathed in natural light

                         in the conservatory at La Verrière

          Since the spring of 2021, Louis Bouillot has been welcoming visitors at La Verrière, a beautiful 18 -century
            residence that marks the entrance to Nuits-Saint-Georges. Louis Bouillot has restored the splendor to

           this magnificent house and is inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the spirit of the Enlightenment
              when the house was created, and when sparkling Crémant de Bourgogne wines were invented.

                     ©Clemence Tissier

         During that period, It was very fashionable to have a   natural light, makes an ideal location for wine tasting.  Jacopo Foggini, one cannot fail to open up to the sensorial
         conservatory in middle-class homes, and in true Belle   The bubble bar is a masterstroke, along with the fountain   nature of the bubbles.
         Époque style, it has been decorated with large green   comprising four frog gargoyles made from green enameled   And while their parents are tasting wine, younger visitors
         houseplant arrangements designed by award-winning   sandstone dating from the 1920s-1930s, with its soothing,   will enjoy the Burgundy Explorers booklet which offers
         florist Isabelle Minini from Dijon.  splashing soundtrack.             a fun was for them to find out more about the Burgundy
         This charming space, topped off by an Art Nouveau glass   When tasting wine, comfortably seated within the   region’s wine heritage.
         roof with delicate floral representations and bathed in   chlorophyl-green petals of Ella flower chairs designed by   Visitors are welcome year-round at La Verrière.

                     @LouisBouillotOf    louisbouillotofficial    @louisbouillotofficial
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