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tHe 2018 HARVest

 QUAlitY AND QUANtitY foR AN exceptioNAl viNtAGe!

       There are vintages that make a mark   the earlier zones, and on 13 September   of yields. We needed to be patient, both   fresh and jammy fruity flavors. The
       on a whole region, and the 2018 will   for later plots. The 2018 vintage is   in terms of ripeness and in terms of   whites and rosés offer aromatic intensity
       no doubt be one of these. Harvesting   already being described as incredible   vat time.  and freshness.
       began on 20 August with the Crémants.   and aromatic, dominated by notes of   In the rhone region, 2018 required
       They lasted for a month and the weather   black berries and raspberry, with a   very close attention. In the end, the
       was perfect and quality exceptional.   touch of spice, and remarkable structure   wines are showing good color with   cAlifoRNiA
       The grapes were in perfect health and   and balance.   lovely aromatic expression.  Exceptional length
       had reached optimum ripeness.                                                   and quality
       The end of the winter was very cold                                             This year, the harvests were long, but
       with intense episodes of frost, which   RHoNe        lANGUeDoc                  the quality was exceptional and kept
       prolonged the dormancy of the vines.  Resilience and patience  A winemakers’ vintage  up our enthusiasm. Picking began on
       Bud-burst was later than usual but   Atypical and extreme weather – with   Harvesting began on 21 August in the   23 August at Deloach in Sonoma, with
       there were no spring frosts. The spring   frost, heavy rainfall, and drought leading   languedoc and lasted for two months,   the Pinot Noirs gathered on a “fruit”
       was very hot, with rain and frequent   to a threat of disease – all presented   with 2,000 hectares to be picked. A rainy   day in the lunar calendar. It finished
       storms. There was even some hail,   a real trial for the vines. But despite   and cold spring held back budburst,   on 2 November.
       but fortunately, the estate’s vines   it all, they survived, and winegrowers   and flowering was chaotic with high   Over at raymond Vineyards in Napa,
       were spared.               were able to plan ahead. Harvesting   winds and rain causing shatter and   the secateurs were in use between 4
       Summer was hot and dry, as it was   began with the whites on 3 September   millerandage. However, the end result   September and 9 November.
       across France, even on the vine-  and lasted three weeks.   was satisfactory and relatively even.  In both valleys, the grapes were
       growing plateaus of the Jura, which   The difference between the northern and   exceptional sunshine during the sum-  magnificent and yields very satisfying.
       are usually cooler.        southern ends of the Côtes-du-rhône   mer months was decisive for these   In Sonoma, this was a year for Cabernet,
       Conditions were perfect for sunny   was accentuated with a two-week   drought-resistant southern vines. It   with a level of quality that is rarely seen.
       harvesting. Apart from the Savagnin   difference in terms of harvesting,   was a late vintage, but alternating   As for the Chardonnay and Pinot Noir,
       varietal, which is more sensitive, and   which can be detected in the final   rain and sun during the whole growth   initial tastings are promising elegance
       suffered a little from the intense heat,   texture of the wines.   cycle nourished the vines correctly and   and balance, with a lower alcohol
       the harvest was abundant and very   The more northerly Syrahs were dense   resulted in a lovely balance between   content than in previous years. Napa
       high in quality.           and colorful, with lovely aromatic   sugars and acidity.  wines from 2018 are characterized
                                  expression. In the south, the quality was   Anticipatory work by our partner wine-  as having very ripe tannins and lots
                                  evident, but in some places, the quantity   growers along with daily management   of finesse.
       BeAUJolAiS                 was somewhat lacking, particularly in   of the harvests meant we harvested
       Structure and balance      certain areas hit by mildew.   perfectly ripened grapes and avoided
       January was mild, but February and   The whites are aromatic, clear, and   any pitfalls, getting the best out of
       March were cold. Then came April, which   forthright, with lovely colors and   this lovely vintage. An absence of any
       was hot, dry, and fairly sunny; and May,   unusual hints of silver. They offer very   lengthy heatwave periods preserved the
       which was rainy with normal levels of   good levels of natural acidity. They are   natural freshness. The winds kept the
       sunshine. June was hot and stormy,   revealing very similar profiles and the   vines healthy and resulted in naturally
       but the vines remained miraculously   same remarkable freshness as the   concentrated grapes that were perfectly
       healthy. Summer was very hot and dry.  rosés, thanks to hard work in terms   ripe. Moreover, the cooler September
       Despite the drought and high temperatures,   of plot selection.   nights were very helpful in concentrating
       the vines withstood the weather very   The red wine vineyards were hit by   aromas and polyphenols.
       well. Harvesting began on 27 August in   mildew, leading to variations in terms   The red wines have color along with

                                                                                           Boisset La Famille des grands Vins
                                                                                     - Spring 2019  3
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